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Our first spotlight is of our wonderful president, Lauren Forsythe!

Lauren is a rising senior from northern Minnesota majoring in Psychology and minoring in American Studies. She is a talented and hardworking mocker who delivers killer closing arguments. Watch this video to hear Lauren talk about one of her favorite mock trial moments!

Spotlighting our incredible VP Logistics, Dylan Koury!


Dylan is a rising senior from Trumbull, Connecticut majoring in Finance and Economics with a concentration in Business Analytics. Dylan is an amazing witness and writes hilarious jokes for his directs and crosses. A fun fact about Dylan is that he's a triplet!


Watch this video to hear Dylan talk about one of his favorite Mock Trial memories!

Spotlighting the incomparable Tuka Alsoufi!


Tuka is a rising sophomore from San Francisco, California whose family is originally from Yemen! Tuka is planning on majoring in Government and Middle Eastern Studies, and a fun fact about her is that she went to high school in three different countries! Tuka was a fantastic leader for our team in her role as a captain last year.


Watch this video to hear Tuka talk about one of her favorite Mock Trial memories!



Spotlighting our amazing Tournament Director, Cèline Zalamea!

Cèline is a rising junior from New Jersey majoring in Neuroscience and Applied Mathematics. Cèline’s captains describe her as “a poised and polished attorney queen,” and her British accent while playing witnesses is fabulous! A fun fact about Cèline is that she never leaves home without a coaster.

Watch this video to hear Cèline talk about one of her favorite Mock Trial memories!

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